4.1 Earth Gauge: Resources for the Station Scientist

Friday, 28 June 2013: 8:30 AM
Tulip Grove BR (Sheraton Music City Hotel)
Sara Espinoza, The National Environmental Education Foundation, Washington, DC

Earth Gauge® (earthgauge.net) is a program partnership between the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF), the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and the COMET Program (comet.ucar.edu) that provides environmental and climate information for use on-air, online, in social media and in community outreach activities. Earth Gauge information is distributed to more than 300 broadcast meteorologists, radio broadcasters, journalists and National Weather Service Warning Coordination Meteorologists in 124 media markets across the U.S.

The free Earth Gauge information service is designed to make it easy to talk about the links between weather and environment. This presentation will walk through the resources available to broadcast meteorologists from Earth Gauge – including weekly environmental content and tips for viewers tied to local weather and seasonal conditions, interesting facts about observed trends and impacts of climate change, Twitter-ready language, visuals and infographics, FAQs and fact sheets, podcasts and a series of seven online COMET courses that make the link between weather, environmental and climate topics. The presentation will also introduce new Earth Gauge initiatives, including a Spanish-language version of the weekly email and a pilot project to link broadcast meteorologists with data and photos from citizen science programs (citizen scientists are amateur or nonprofessional scientists who collect data on natural phenomena for scientific study, such as bird migrations, plant blooming, precipitation, etc.).

About NEEF: NEEF is the nation's leading organization in lifelong environmental learning, connecting people to knowledge they use to improve the quality of their lives and the health of the planet. NEEF achieves this by providing knowledge to trusted professionals and other leaders who, with their credibility, amplify messages to national audiences to solve everyday environmental problems.

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