3.3 RadarScope TV: Integrated Display of Interactive Radar Imagery From Broadcast to Mobile Platforms

Thursday, 27 June 2013: 2:00 PM
Tulip Grove BR (Sheraton Music City Hotel)
Mike Wolfinbarger, Weather Decision Technologies, Inc., Norman, OK; and J. Spann and M. Taylor

As we increasingly turn to mobile devices for supplemental information during severe weather events, there are advantages to providing a unified appearance across multiple channels. More than a tool for professional use, RadarScope has become a platform for presenting information to the public as meteorologists share annotated imagery via social media and use RadarScope as a broadcast display tool.

As these use cases become apparent, new features are being incorporated into the product suite to facilitate them. RadarScope provides high-powered data visualization while remaining accessible to the general public. RadarScope TV bridges the gap between broadcast display tool and consumer product, providing a unified presentation of information across smart phones, tablets, computers, and television screens.

The authors will present use cases and success stories from past events and discuss opportunities for improving situational awareness by engaging and educating a mainstream audience with professional-grade tools.

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