1.2 Team Weather for 25+ years

Wednesday, 26 June 2013: 3:45 PM
Tulip Grove BR (Sheraton Music City Hotel)
David Chandley, WSB-TV, Atlanta, GA

Glenn Burns, Karen Minton and David Chandley have been delivering weather forecasts to Atlanta viewers at WSB-TV together since 1988. (in 2006 we added Brad Nitz to the team) Consistently WSB dominates the news market winning all news time periods from morning to night 7 days a week. The separation from competitors is even greater during severe weather events. I can think of no other market with this length of stability. In 25 years, our roles have basically stayed the same, but the way we present weather information to the viewer has certainly changed. In the last decade, team weather (2 or more mets on the air at the sametime) has become a standard operating procedure during severe weather events. It has been suggested to me, that a Q and A session would be beneficial to other members.

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