3.4 Engaging Viewers with Astronomy

Thursday, 11 June 2015: 9:15 AM
304 (Raleigh Convention Center)
Tony Rice, NASA, Cary, NC

Handout (1.7 MB)

Learn where to turn for reliable answers to the "what was that in the sky?" calls and emails that come into the newsroom. Engage audiences with the latest meteorological reports from Mars: “You think it's cold here, check out yesterday's high on Mars right from the Curiosity rover!”

Astronomy is a great way to engage your audience as well as solidify your role as newsroom scientist. This presentation will highlight educational resources and current data from NASA and other sources to not just share conjunctions, meteor showers, eclipses, bright satellite passes and other events beyond our atmosphere but explain them in an engaging way on-air and in social media.

You are the only scientist your audience will hear from today, make it count.

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- Indicates an Award Winner