In Osaka, the formation and distribution of cloud tends to be higher at the reasons around the edge of the urban area in the Osaka plane such as north and east part of Osaka. The pattern is similar with the result shown by Kitao et al. (2009) in terms of temperature, which suggests that the sea breeze from the Osaka bay considerably influences the temperature around the Osaka plane. The temperature tends to be higher at the regions around the edge of the urban area in the Osaka plane. Inoue et al. (2009) have suggested that the distribution of small clouds is sensitive to the thermal contrast.
The gorge at the southeast part of Fukuoka and the northern part of Hiroshima is covered by the cloud almost throughout the day. Kawamoto et al. (2015) and Matsuo et al (2014) have shown the similar pattern of temperature at the Fukuoka and Hiroshima gorge respectively. The results show that the temperature of both the gorges are higher compared to the other parts of the plane.
This study concludes that the formation and distribution of cloud is highly affected by the wind speed and its direction. Due to the active sea breeze in the coastal areas, the presence of cloud in the coastal area is low compared to the areas far from the coastal areas and the mountaintops. The effect of urbanization in all the coastal areas are not so prominent except Tokyo. However, the special features like, the formation of cloud lines above the urban area in Tokyo, the gorges in Fukuoka and Hiroshima are found in this study. With reference to other urban heat island studies in these study areas, it shows that the cloud formation is likely to be higher in areas having higher temperature. Additional study like numerical simulations to confirm and to know the actual mechanism of the special features are necessary. In this study, the dataset is used regardless of the wind intensity and direction. Since the formation and distribution of cloud also depends on wind property, further investigation into the effect of urbanization on the cloud using calm days' dataset, therefore, still required.
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