2.1A What's Up Tonight? Stargazing Highlights for 2019-2020

Wednesday, 12 June 2019: 1:30 PM
Rio Vista Salon A-C (San Diego Marriott Mission Valley)
J. Kelly Beatty, Sky & Telescope Magazine, Cambridge, MA

Did your audience develop a newfound interest in "all things astronomical" after the Great American Eclipse in 2017? Do they still get excited when you tell them that the International Space Station is passing overhead? Do you find yourself saying "Super Blood Wolf Moon eclipse" for no reason at all? Everyone has an appreciation for what goes on in the night sky. And even though no total lunar or solar eclipses will be seen from North America anytime soon, there's still plenty to see in the coming months. This presentation provides a summary of the "must see" celestial events that you and your viewers will want to know about.
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