J2.3 Climate Change and Health in the U.S.: Here and Now

Wednesday, 12 June 2019: 4:00 PM
Rio Vista Salon A-C (San Diego Marriott Mission Valley)
Bruce Edward Bekkar, M.D., Climate Acitivist, speaker, writer, Del Mar, CA

The current human cost of climate change in America is not limited to the death tolls of headline-grabbing superstorms, floods, and heat waves. Although "extreme weather" events are increasing, evidence now clearly connects our global warming to additional, more prevalent dangers including warmer average temperatures, worsening air pollution, new infectious agents, and acute and chronic stress. Certain sub-populations are at higher risk of a wide range of poor health outcomes, especially children, the elderly, the poor or uninsured, and those with pre-existing health problems. Emerging data in the U.S. highlight the alarming vulnerability of another group, pregnant women, with links to premature birth, low birth weight and autism- weakening lives from their very start. Aside from covering these serious concerns, this presentation will show how urgent action on climate change can quickly and significantly protect us all from harm.
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