4.5 Forecasting Atmospheric Rivers along the West Coast Using an ECMWF-based WRF

Thursday, 13 June 2019: 4:30 PM
Rio Vista Salon A-C (San Diego Marriott Mission Valley)
Thomas E Downs V, WeatherBELL Analytics, New York, NY; and S. Hallett

We will present a case study using an ECWMF-based WRF with a 3-km resolution, focusing on model comparisons of the events surrounding the January 30-February 2, 2019 flooding rainfall in the Los Angeles area. Increasing the resolution of the 9-km ECMWF Deterministic model can help forecast in areas with complex terrain while taking advantage of the superior initialization of the ECMWF’s 4D-VAR assimilation process over the open ocean, where the 3-km NAM struggles.
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