4.3 Communicating Severe Weather Risks using WeatherSTEM Data and Imagery

Thursday, 13 June 2019: 4:00 PM
Rio Vista Salon A-C (San Diego Marriott Mission Valley)
Jessica Arnoldy, The Weather Channel, Atlanta, GA; and E. Mansouri

WeatherSTEM, a platform developed to increase the knowledge of weather at educational institutions and the safety of these institutions and other private entities, can also be a powerful tool in communicating severe weather risks during live weather broadcasts. Not only does the weather data constantly update, the data mining tool provides easy ways to analyze this weather data. In addition, the live cameras can provide presenters and their viewers with visual confirmation of any impactful weather. The WeatherSTEM platform proved especially useful during significant events like Hurricane Michael, where the presenter could visually observe storm surge flooding occurring in real time. In addition, measurements of extreme winds were able to be reported in an area with little to no ASOS coverage. This combination of weather data and imagery creates a powerful on-air broadcasting tool.
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