3.2 The Deadly November 5th, 2018 Tornado Outbreak In Middle Tennessee. An Analysis Of Coverage, And How Fall Foliage Played An Interesting Roll.

Thursday, 13 June 2019: 2:00 PM
Rio Vista Salon A-C (San Diego Marriott Mission Valley)
Katy Morgan, WZTV FOX17, Nashville, TN

Middle Tennessee is no stranger to severe weather. In fact, Tennessee ranks number one in nocturnal tornadoes. On the night of November 5th, 2018 a strong QLCS with an enhanced threat for nighttime tornadoes moved across the FOX17 viewing area. It was an all-hands on deck night with coverage from Chief Meteorologist Katy Morgan, Meteorologist Colleen Mehlberg and Meteorologist Justin Chambers. In total 7 tornadoes were confirmed from the night, including 1 fatality. I’ll break down the set up of the day, what we did leading up to the day to warn people and show on air clips from our wall to wall coverage. Plus, I’ll explain how our fall foliage played an interesting role that night, making it more difficult to pinpoint debris signatures on radar.
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