Session 2D |
| Climate, Air Quality and Global Change II |
| 3:25 PM | 2D.1 | Modeling Long Range Transport of Dust from Africa and South America Ariel Stein, NOAA/ERL/ARL, Silver Spring, MD |
| 3:50 PM | 2D.2 | Assessing PM2.5 Concentrations Estimates from Column Optical Depth, Aeronet and Lidar PBL Height Lina Cordero, City College of New York, New York, NY |
| 4:05 PM | 2D.3 | Impacts of Aerosols and Urban Heat Island on Clouds and Precipitation Heather Y. Glickman, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY; and D. S. Mahani and D. R. Khanbilvardi |
|  | 2D.4 | An Investigation of the Impacts of Mineral Dust on Summertime Convection with WRF/Chem V3.1 Karina Apodaca, Howard University, Washington, DC; and M. C. Barth and V. R. Morris |
| 4:20 PM | 2D.5 | Analysis of three channel Lidar data Correlation and its impact on aerosol size characterization of the atmosphere using UPRM Lidar data Mariano Martes, University of Puerto Rico/NOAA/CREST, San Juan, PR; and C. A. Lizarraga and H. Parsiani |
| 4:35 PM | 2D.6 | Aerosol impact on cloud water path Ousmane Sy Savane, New York, NY; and B. Vant-Hull, M. Shayesteh, and R. Khanbilvardi |