Poster Session P1.3 The sea/land breeze hodographs along the northern Croatian coast

Monday, 10 September 2007
Macaw/Cockatoo (Catamaran Resort Hotel)
Maja Telišman Prtenjak, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia; and B. Grisogono

Handout (517.3 kB)

The diurnal evolution of the sea breeze hodographs over the northern Adriatic coast has been examined for a chosen typical summertime period of 18-20 June 2000. For the analysis, a limited set of observations as well as the results of the three-dimensional nonhydrostatic mesoscale model (MEMO6) are used. For this purpose the characteristics of the wind hodographs on the 24-hour base are explained using the numerical results for both the simulated period and two additional sensitivity tests. The aim is to explain the basic local effects influencing the wind dynamics at the considered stations during the particular day (19 June). The results show that at Pula-airport and Malinska (island), the diurnal winds are connected with the convergence zones, while Rijeka (city with industry), Opatija (touristic place) and Senj (famous for the bora wind) are influenced by marked effect of the slope winds.
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