P1.4 Etesians vs. sea-land breezes over the eastern Adriatic

Monday, 10 September 2007
Macaw/Cockatoo (Catamaran Resort Hotel)
Zvjezdana B. Klaic, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia; and Z. Pasarić

During the warm part of the year, the etesian winds blow over the Mediterranean. They are more pronounced over its eastern parts. Etesians are dynamically generated by joint influence of the deep Asiatic low (Karachi depression), and the high pressure system of the Azores. Over the Adriatic, the etesians are rather weak. Thus, corresponding southeastward air flow is clearly seen only at distant islands, while along the coast it is dominated by the local, thermally induced sea-land breezes (SLB). Local SLB are caused by the different thermal properties of the land and the sea. Along the eastern Adriatic, the irregularly shaped coast with a number of islands, islets, cliffs and adjacent Dinaric Alps causes a complex wind regime which is a result of the interaction of the SLB induced by both mainland and islands and slope winds. The level of the SLB regime complexity differs from one locality to another, depending on the complexity of the local topographical and surface conditions. Here, we discuss the airflow characteristics at the three measuring sites during the periods favorable for the establishment of both, etesians and SLB. The measuring sites are selected so as to capture gradual changes from coastal to open-sea conditions. Partuclar attention is given to the airflow at the offshore site (Komiža) which differs substaintialy from the coastal (Split) and open-sea (Palagruža) wind regimes.
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