6.4 UCP / MM5 Modeling in conjunction with NUDAPT: Model requirements, updates, and applications

Tuesday, 11 September 2007: 4:30 PM
Toucan (Catamaran Resort Hotel)
Haider Taha, Altostratus, Inc., Martinez, CA; and J. K. S. Ching

Several aspects of the original DA-SM2-U of Dupont and co-workers were modified thus creating a new version of the model (uMM5). Subsequently, the uMM5 was further adapted to specific applications and used in simulating a number of urban regions in the U.S. Recent applications include dispersion modeling, heat island studies, photochemical and air-quality modeling, and precipitation studies. An emerging use of the uMM5 is driving micro-scale and CFD models for various research and real-time applications. The uMM5 also serves as a basis for the current urbanization of the WRF model.

This presentation reviews the model's formulation, recent updates, model requirements, and special data needs. An alternate, low-cost methodology for generating some of the model-specific urban morphological parameters input is presented. An example application, e.g., to the Houston-Galveston region, is also discussed along with an initial evaluation of model performance.

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