6.3 Functional Demonstration of the National Urban Database and Access Portal Tools (NUDAPT)

Tuesday, 11 September 2007: 4:15 PM
Toucan (Catamaran Resort Hotel)
Torrin Hultgren, Computer Sciences Corporation, Research Triangle Park, NC

Urban air quality models are increasing in complexity, not only in the number and type of input parameters, but in the variety of data sources and methods required to derive those input parameters. A typical Geographic Information System (GIS) is well suited to managing and manipulating these datasets, but is inefficient to implement for a modeler who only requires a small subset of the available functionality. A new, web-based system has been developed using ESRI's ArcGIS Server that delivers geoprocessing functionality (clip, project, resample, reformat) on demand. By storing source data alongside derived Urban Canopy Parameters (UCPs) in a centralized repository for easy comparison, extraction, transformation, and downloading (ETL), this system facilitates data sharing and collaboration. This paper will demonstrate the functionality of the portal site utilizing data from the city of Houston, and illustrate a path forward for integrating data from additional cities.
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