Thursday, 15 May 2003: 11:00 AM
Surface layer parameterizations are used in atmospheric numerical models to diagnose surface turbulent fluxes of momentum, heat, moisture, and other scalar variables. As such these parameterizations are critical in linking the atmosphere to the underlying surface in weather and climate prediction models. The goal of SLMIP (the Surface Layer Model Intercomparison Project) is to evaluate current state-of-the-art surface layer parameterizations using surface layer observations from polar regions. Data from the Arctic ocean collected during SHEBA and from the Antarctic base Halley, on the Brunt ice shelf will be used for the evaluation. Analysis of the results will focus on differences between the multiple surface layer parameterizations considered, with a goal of understanding the source of the differences, the influence of small-scale waves on the surface fluxes, and the sensitivity of the surface layer parameterizations to the observation height of the forcing data used.