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Previously, we have coupled the NOAH-LSM model to the Penn State/NCAR MM5 modeling system as an option and investigated coupled simulations of the MM5-LSM system for the Arctic regions.. From the coupled simulation results, we found that it is difficult to evaluate the performance of the NOAH-LSM model thoroughly in the coupled system. Therefore, in this study we perform a series of off-line simulation tests to more thoroughly validate the NOAH-LSM model for Arctic land system simulations.
We apply the model over several Alaskan sites for the off-line tests. The data collected from sites associated with the Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS) project, the Caribou Poker Creeks Research Watershed (CPCRW) project and other projects will be used in the validation of model simulations. Results from the simulations will be used to suggest improvements for a version of NOAH-LSM that is optimally suited to Arctic land ecosystems.