Thursday, 15 May 2003: 10:00 AM
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This investigation analyzes the full arsenal of data from
the FIRE Arctic Clouds Experiment (FIRE/ACE) to provide a
detailed depiction of Arctic
mixed-phase clouds. Recent advances in radar retrievals for ice-only clouds
hold promise for mixed-phase clouds because radar is
primarily sensitive to the presence of the ice crystals. The
retrieval from surface-based measurements of the
liquid component is more difficult, but several different approaches are
possible. Extensive in situ datasets gathered
during eight FIRE/ACE flights through mixed-phase clouds
by the NCAR C-130 and the University of Washington aircraft
are analyzed to assess and improve upon the retrievals
from surface-based measurements.
A preliminary
analysis on one case study (May 1-10) indicated that a complete
characterization of mixed-phase clouds over successive days is possible.
For this case, the liquid contributed over 99\% of the cloud optical
depth, with most of the liquid situated near cloud top. Nevertheless,
the radar retrieval
of the ice component compared well with values derived from aircraft data. At the meeting, the most interesting results
derived from the combined aircraft-surface measurements will be presented.