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In addition to the expansive LIS, the PMM5 LGM boundary conditions include 21 kBP orbital forcing, reduced CO2 concentration, paleovegetation, modified sea surface temperatures, and lowered sea level commensurate with the ice sheet volume. Output from a global climate model (GCM) simulation with similar LGM boundary conditions provides the initial and lateral boundary conditions for the PMM5 LGM run.
The model atmosphere responds strongly to the LGM boundary conditions. Cooling over the LIS drives a well-defined low level katabatic flow during winter months, exceeding 15-20 m s-1 along much of the sloped ice sheet terrain. Time series of surface temperatures at points along the LIS southern margin show that sufficient warming occurs during summer for ablation to occur. At upper levels from November(March, the flow is split around an anticyclone over the LIS, with a northern branch over Beringia and the Canadian Arctic islands and a southern branch impacting southwestern North America. This split flow pattern, which has a first order influence on the distribution of precipitation in the Laurentide domain, is not present in recent GCM simulations of the LGM. Possible reasons for the presence of the split flow, including ice sheet configuration, model resolution, and improved model physics, are under investigation.