Session 3.4 Cloud radiative forcing in Arctic polynyas: climatology, parameterization, and modeling

Tuesday, 13 May 2003: 9:15 AM
Erica L. Key, Univ. of Miami/RSMAS, Miami, FL; and P. J. Minnett, R. H. Evans, and T. N. Papakyriakou

Presentation PDF (155.1 kB)

Within the confines of a single polynya, the extremes of polar variability may be found, making these microcosms ideal models for climate change at high latitudes. In situ measurements of downwelling radiation, meteorology, cloud type and cover combined with remotely-sensed and station data collected within Western Arctic polynyas between 1992 and 2000 form the basis of a regional climatology. The data is used to evaluate recent parameterizations of surface incident radiation and the magnitude of cloud forcing within each polynya. It also serves as input for radiative transfer sensitivity studies and larger-scale surface radiative flux models.
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