P1.8 Application of climatologic chart concepts to a new classification of climates and to climatic change studies

Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Wingwood (Atlantic Oakes Resort)
Michel L. Bernard, Université de provence, Marseille, France; and L. G. Bernard

1/ A new classification of climates

A climatologic chart was proposed by M. Bernard and al (E.G.U. Nice 2004, E.G.U. Vienna 2005, AIWF, Dustin Florida 2007). This chart expresses itself with the following equation (1) or (1'). (1) P = A + B / T (1') Log P = A' + B'/T

Those equations linearly bound the precipitation P with the reverse of Kelvin temperature 1/T in a determined region of the world. They have been established from 2 correlations: - Correlation between wildfire statistics and 1/T - Correlation between wildfire statistics and precipitation P Those equations are valid for both monthly and yearly data. They represent a fundamental physical law of the region, existing independently of wildfires and formulating the expression of the productivity.

This climatologic chart is graphically represented by one or two straight lines, obtained by linear regression, their equations being the chart equations.

The climatologic charts are established from the precipitation and temperature data close to the meteorological stations.

The chart of each region is characterized by the coefficients A and B, for the ones represented by equation (1), and by A' and B', for the ones represented by equation (1'). Studying different regions all over the world, we can come up with a classification of the climates similar to the one currently used by climatologists. We can observe that the regions of each climate have charts that have similar equation behaviour (slope, and nature of the equation).

Here are some examples of the climates: - Mediterranean climates : equation (1), B>0 - West Faces continent climates : equation (1'), B>0 - Semi Arid climates : equation (1), B<0

They are illustrated by different charts you'll see enclosed to this document.

2/ Climatic changes studies

Then climates change may easily be detected with the evolution of the climatologic graphs over 6 years of monthly data, or preferably over 30 years of monthly data. Some examples of climates evolution have been stated thanks to climatologic charts: Climate of Ontario (Canada), San Diego (South California), and West Algeria (Oran region), with the incidence of the plant communities.

A multi-annual formulation of the climatologic chart has been proposed to quantify the importance of the climatic change.

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