Tuesday, 13 January 2004
Observations and stochastic modeling of shortwave radiative transfer at the ARM CART sites
Hall 4AB
Poster PDF
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Stochastic radiative transfer modeling is a promising approach to modeling the domain-averaged shortwave radiation fields that occur during scattered cloud conditions. A parameterization of the stochastic approach to modeling cloud-radiation interactions is being developed using archived data from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program's Clouds and Radiation Testbed (CART) sites. One year of continuously sampled data from all three CART sites (Southern Great Plains, Tropical Western Pacific, and North Slopes of Alaska) has been analyzed for input into the stochastic radiative transfer model, and a standard plane-parallel shortwave radiation model. Information about the cloud field climatology such as cloud height, thickness, fraction and optical properties are presented here for all three sites and compared to similar studies where appropriate (e.g. Lazarus et al. 2000). The output domain-
averaged, shortwave radiation fields from the stochastic model will be evaluated using both observations and parallel plane model results.
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