*It attempts to incorporate as much of the monitor data as possible (rather than looking only at a one-hour snapshot).
*It attempts to incorporate the monitor data in a relatively unbiased fashion, instead of being overly influenced by the last data reported by a given monitor.
*It takes into account the nature of the three-dimensional daytime mixing in the daytime atmosphere, and have an appropriate three-dimensional influence.
*It takes into account wind-driven transport from the times of the various monitor-observations up to the time of model-initialization.
*Where there are multiple adjacent observations, the algorithm should incorporate all of them "fairly."
*It should not attempt to extrapolate into large data-void areas.
*It should be positive definite.
We have employed the algorithm in our summer-season daily MM5/SMOKE/MAQSIP-RT air quality forecasts. Here we give a description of the algorithm and some caveats about the limitations of the algorithm.
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