The principal objective of this project is to determine the optimal configurations of the Air Force Weather Weapon System's (AFWWS) next generation mesoscale numerical weather prediction model (the Weather Research and Forecast Model--WRF) for application under various weather regimes. The mesoscale modeling system at the Air Force Weather's strategic center (AFWA) is a key support component to forces worldwide. The center delivers worldwide weather forecasts to Air Force and Army war fighters, unified commands, National Intelligence Community, and the President and Secretary of Defense. The WRF system currently under development will replace AFWA's existing mesoscale model system in 2005. Prior to operational implementation, it is incumbent upon AFWA to determine the optimal combinations of physics packages to ensure the most accurate prediction is attained in the most timely fashion for any place on the globe. To that end, thousands of WRF forecasts were generated using eight permutations of physics options in seven regions around the world to select the combination(s) slated for implementation into operations in 2005.
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