Here we describe some distinct properties of oceanic and atmospheric Rossby waves. Laboratory- and numerical simulations on a polar b-plane and sphere provide animated images of Rossby-wave propagation, geostrophic turbulence/potential-vorticity stirring, barotropization, and resulting bands of zonal acceleration. A prominent polar anticyclonic vortex provides extra ‘PV-elasticity’ and resistance to lateral mixing of polar tracers. In the oceanic case, with the fluid initially at rest, the Green’s function response is explored, highlighting the western-boundary eddy intensification discovered by Phillips. In the atmospheric case, with forced super-rotation and simple mountain topography, we describe a life-cycle of steady Rossby-wave generation, zonal-flow modification and polar-vortex interaction. Upwind- and downwind wakes of the topography generate important transient Rossby waves including ‘Lighthill’ blocking modes, which alter the circulation west of the topography. The storm track/wake in such models provides coherent meridional communication across a range of latitudes, as the Atlantic and Pacific storm tracks connect the subtropics with the high Arctic.
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