84th AMS Annual Meeting

Joint Session 1: Climate Trends (Joint between the 15th Symposium on Global Change and Climate Variations and the 14th Conference on Applied Climatology; Room 6C)

Monday, 12 January 2004: 10:45 AM-12:00 PM
Room 6C
  10:45 AM
Economic signals in global temperature histories
Patrick J. Michaels, Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA and the Cato Institute, Washington, DC; and R. McKitrick and P. C. Knappenberger

  11:00 AM
Irrigation-induced warming in Central California?
John R. Christy, University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL; and W. B. Norris

  11:30 AM
Is the 50-year trend in tropical Indo-Pacific SSTs significant?
Cécile Penland, NOAA-CIRES/Climate Diagnostics Center, Boulder, CO; and P. D. Sardeshmukh

  11:45 AM
AO, COWL and observed climate trends
Qigang Wu, COLA, Calverton, MD; and D. M. Straus
