Integration of Globe Protocols Across the High School Science Curriculum
Michael Jaycox, Rockingham County Public Schools, Harrisonburg, VA; and R. Kohrs and D. Zook
Recently much research has been done on the profound effects of inquiry-based learning in the classroom. Many studies have shown that using inquiry-based activities in science classrooms increases learning and develops cognitive skills. However, the focus in Virginia on the Standards of Learning and high stakes tests leaves many teachers with the notion that there is not enough time for inquiry. The GLOBE ozone protocol is an inquiry-based activity that allows students to become a part of the scientific community while developing their science skills. By applying the GLOBE protocol across the curriculum, schools can enhance students' abilities and provide a more in depth look at how science really works. The GLOBE ozone protocol involves a minimum time requirement for setup and implementation across a high school curriculum. By involving all levels of science classes from earth science to chemistry, the time commitment in any one class is minimal and the true interdisciplinary nature of science is revealed. Using the GLOBE protocols, each class will be studying a different aspect of surface ozone in order to produce a comprehensive picture of the impact of ozone on the local environment. Earth science students will study the effects of weather on surface ozone, chemistry students will examine the reactions involved in the formation of both surface and stratospheric ozone, and biology students will examine the effects of ozone on local flora. The end result will be a comprehensive picture of science as a whole; rather than seeing each discipline as a separate topic, students will see how all sciences work together to provide a clear picture of natural phenomena. These students will develop inquiry skills and also learn how science can be used to help understand and protect their local environment.
Poster Session 1, Poster Session
Sunday, 14 January 2007, 5:00 PM-7:00 PM, Exhibit Hall C
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