What's your Plus in the 24/7 world?
Jillene Wahl, WYFF-TV, Greenville, SC
In the past few years, local stations around the nation have gained a 24/7 channel for broadcasting weather information, like NBC Weather Plus and others. If you don't have your very own 24/7 channel, you may not have to wait long.
In “What's your Plus”, we'll hear about one station that can be live on air in seconds, with no help from the production staff. And we'll discuss the following: How is your channel working? How are you adding value to a constantly running channel? What are you including on the air? Would your station ever consider a ‘stand alone' weather studio... run by you?
Come with questions.... come with ideas... let's toss some information around. The 24/7 world of broadcasting weather is gaining steam. Don't be left in the dust...
Session 1, Big Texas Weather & Our Increasingly Big Workload
Monday, 15 January 2007, 10:45 AM-12:00 PM, 205
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