Wednesday, 17 January 2007
New science for the WSR-88D: implementing a major mode on the SIGMET RVP8.
Exhibit Hall C (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
The deployment of the Open Radar Data Acquisition (ORDA) upgrade to the WSR-88D, which includes a SIGMET RVP8 processor, allows for the insertion of new science algorithms into the signal processing chain. In the SIGMET RVP8, this is accomplished by developing software known as a “Major Mode,” that runs instead of one of the built-in major modes (e.g. FFT, Batch). Software engineers at the Radar Operations Center (ROC) have implemented the Sachidananda/Zrnic (8/64) Phase Encoding (SZ-2) algorithm, as presented by the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). This implementation of the new science algorithm into a custom major mode is the first real signal processing enhancement at the time series level for the WSR-88D, breaking new ground in the incorporation of advanced signal processing techniques.
This paper presents an overview of the SZ-2 major mode structure, its current status with preliminary operational results, and some preliminary design considerations for the upcoming staggered PRT major mode.
Supplementary URL: