Tuesday, 16 January 2007
Determining cloud type and freezing thresholds
Exhibit Hall C (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
The replacement of GOES channel 5 (the split-window at 12.0 μm) with channel 6 (the carbon dioxide channel at 13.3 μm) has degraded or eliminated the use of AVHRR and heritage GOES multi-spectral cloud type products for GOES M-P users. Two red-green-blue composite image solutions using the water vapor channel in addition to the visible, midwave and longwave infrared channels are described as temporary substitutes for GOES M-P (12 through 15) imagers until the GOES-R era introduces improved multi-spectral products. Several studies have shown that water vapor and window channel differences are useful for cloud top height determination and convection prediction. It should be noted that these substitute products may also be produced using imagery from GOES-10 and GOES-11, as well as many international geostationary meteorological satellites.
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