87th AMS Annual Meeting

Poster Session 1: Applications and Exploitation of NPOESS and GOES-R Data Products I

Tuesday, 16 January 2007: 9:45 AM-11:00 AM
Exhibit Hall C (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
Chair:  Gary Mineart, Mitretek Systems, Inc.
User Interaction with the GOES-R Series of Weather Satellites
August J. Ryberg Jr., NOAA/NESDIS/Mitretek Systems, Greenbelt, MD; and P. Nguyen and L. Shipley

The WindSat passive microwave radiometer: forecaster applications
Thomas F. Lee, NRL, Monterey, CA; and F. J. Turk, J. D. Hawkins, S. D. Miller, J. Goerss, M. H. Bettenhausen, and Z. Jelenak

The Virtual GOES-R Observing Experiment System (VGOES) - A strategy to accelerate GOES development and benefits
Jeffery T. Sroga, Lockheed Martin, Newtown, NJ; and J. A. Dutton, J. Ross, D. A. Bennett, S. Richardson, R. Miehle, A. Feingold, D. Bevis, J. Walmsley, N. Larsen, and D. Powell

The trade study for Hyperspectral Environmental Suite (HES) on GOES-R
Jinlong Li, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and J. Li, T. J. Schmit, W. P. Menzel, and J. J. Gurka

The GOES-R Hydrology Algorithm Team: Progress and plans
Robert J. Kuligowski, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD

The EPS/MetOp system: overview and first Results
K. Dieter Klaes, European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites, Darmstadt, Germany; and Y. Buhler, M. Cohen, J. Schmetz, P. Edwards, and T. Phulpin

Surface emissivity retrieved from satellite IR hyperspectral data and its impact on other retrieval products
Daniel K. Zhou, NASA/LaRC, Hampton, VA; and A. M. Larar, X. Liu, and W. L. Smith Sr.

Snow cover assessment and updating for denied areas using AVHRR and SSM/I
Steven F. Daly, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hanover, NH; and E. Ochs, S. Newman, J. Hardy, C. Vuyovich, J. Gagnon, and B. Tracy

Simulated GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager Measurements for Hurricane Katrina
Min-Jeong Kim, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and F. Weng and T. Zhu

NPOESS Data Exploitation Plans for Product Processing
Tom Schott, NOAA/NESDIS, Suitland, MD; and S. L. Bunin

NOAA Product Processing from Metop Satellites
Tom Schott, NOAA/NESDIS, Suitland, MD; and S. L. Bunin

Modelling and Simulation of the GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) Instrument Performance
James Bergstrom, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp, Boulder, CO; and D. Down, S. Hagerty, T. Updike, and S. J. Varlese

Lossless compression studies for NOAA GOES-R hyperspectral environmental suite
Bormin Huang, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and A. Ahuja, Y. Sriraja, H. L. Huang, M. D. Goldberg, T. J. Schmit, and R. W. Heymann

Improved aviation weather diagnostics and forecasting using future generation GOES-R data
Wayne F. Feltz, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and K. M. Bedka, M. J. Pavolonis, J. R. Mecikalski, J. J. Murray, D. B. Johnson, C. S. Velden, and S. A. Ackerman

GOES-R Proxy data for Mesoscale weather systems
Tong Zhu, Colorado State Univ./CIRA at NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and F. Weng

GOES-R color product development
Donald W. Hillger, NOAA/NEDSIS/StAR/RAMM Branch, Fort Collins, CO CO; and M. DeMaria

GOES-R AWG Integration Team: Interface with the System Prime
Walter Wolf, QSS Group, Inc., Lanham, MD; and L. Zhou and M. Goldberg

GOES-R AWG Integration Team: Interface with the AWG Application Teams
Lihang Zhou, QSS Group Inc., Lanham, MD; and W. W. Wolf and M. Goldberg

GOES-R Algorithm Working Group: Space Weather Team Update
S. Hill, NOAA/NWS, Boulder, CO; and H. J. Singer, T. Onsager, R. Viereck, D. Biesecker, C. C. Balch, and D. C. Wilkinson

GOES-R Algorithm Working Group Sounding Application Team

GOES Satellite Data Distribution: Past, Present, and Future
Thomas M. Renkevens, NOAA/NESDIS GOES-R, Greenbelt, MD; and J. Paquette

GOES Infrared Sounders - the future perspective from the current applications
Jun Li, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and T. J. Schmit, W. P. Menzel, and J. J. Gurka

Evaluation of simulated GOES-R HES and ABI thermal radiance measurements
Thomas Greenwald, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and H. L. Huang, D. Tobin, P. Yang, J. Otkin, E. R. Olson, and L. Moy

Determining cloud type and freezing thresholds
Richard Anstett, Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems & Solutions, King of Prussia, PA

Climate requirements for future national operational environmental satellite systems: bridging the weather-climate gap
John J. Bates, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC; and B. R. Barkstrom and J. Privette

Clear sky atmospheric motion vectors derived from the GOES Sounder and simulated GOES-R hyperspectral moisture retrievals
Christopher S. Velden, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and S. Wanzong, I. Genkova, D. A. Santek, J. Li, E. R. Olson, and J. A. Otkin

CLASS Vision
Rick Vizbulis, NOAA/NESDIS, Suitland, MD; and R. Rank

An Overview of the GOES-13 Science Test
Donald W. Hillger, NOAA/NEDSIS/StAR/RAMM Branch, Fort Collins, CO CO; and T. J. Schmit

Advancing short-term satellite-based convective nowcasting into the GOES-R era
John R. Mecikalski, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL; and W. M. Mackenzie, Jr., K. M. Bedka, and W. F. Feltz

Adapting operational GOES-SST algorithms to Meteosat Second Generation-SEVIRI for GOES-R Risk Reduction
Eileen Maria Maturi, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and A. Harris, W. Smith Sr., and J. Mittaz

A validation for retrieving cloud optical and microphysical properties in the IR region with MODIS and AIRS
Kevin J. Garrett, I. M. Systems Group, Camp Springs, MD; and P. Yang and S. L. Nasiri

A Geostationary Microwave Sounder: Design and Applications
Bjorn H. Lambrigtsen, JPL, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA; and A. Tanner, T. Gaier, P. Kangaslahti, and S. Brown

Baseline instruments for the GOES-R series
Timothy J. Schmit, NOAA/NESDIS, Madison, WI; and J. J. Gurka, T. M. Renkevens, M. M. Gunshor, and J. Li