Combined Rainfall-Runoff Forecast System based on the TOPMODEL for Han River basin
Ki-Ho Chang, National Institute of Meteorological Research, Seoul, South Korea; and J. H. Kim, C. H. Cho, and M. J. Lee
Combined rainfall-runoff forecast system has been established by using the TOPMODEL coupled with the Sacremento routing scheme for the Han River basin. This system is composed of both the AF (AWS-Flow) and CAF (Coupled Atmosphere-Flow) forecast system. The AF forecast system, the short-term flow forecast system based on the lag from the rainfall to the streamflow at its outlet, uses the AWS rainfall as the pre-input, and the CAF system is coupled with the SRAPS's (Short Range Analysis and Prediction System based on the MM5) forecasted precipitation. We have performed the 28 forecast experiments at 6-hr interval from 03 LT 1 August 2002 by running the AF, CAF, and the control (CTRL) system forced by the observed inputs: streamflow, AWS rainfall, and dam control data. The simulated results indicate that there is not nearly difference between the AF and CAF forecasted streamflow within the 6-hr forecast lead time, but after this time the CAF gives the better results than that of AF.
Supplementary URL: http://weamod.metri.re.kr
Poster Session 1, Weather to Climate Scale Hydrological Forecasting
Monday, 21 January 2008, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM, Exhibit Hall B
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