Tropical Meteorology Special Symposium
19th Conference on Probability and Statistics


The experimental graphical tropical weather outlook

Jamie R. Rhome, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/TPC/NHC, Miami, FL; and D. P. Brown, J. L. Franklin, C. W. Landsea, C. Lauer, and C. Juckins

This paper describes a new experimental product, the graphical tropical weather outlook (GTWO), that the National Hurricane Center began issuing on an experimental basis during the 2007 hurricane season. The GTWO is a web-based graphic superimposed on the most recently available geostationary satellite mosaic of the GOES-East, GOES-West, and Meteosat 9 satellites. The graphic indicates the current locations of areas of disturbed weather discussed in the text Tropical Weather Outlook (TWO) by encircling them. Each encircled area is numbered, with textual descriptions of each numbered system given beneath the graphic. Active tropical cyclones are also shown on the GTWO in the form of a cyclone symbol (i.e. "L" for tropical depressions, a tropical storm symbol for cyclones of tropical storm strength, and a hurricane symbol for cyclone of hurricane strength). Text descriptions for the disturbances and active cyclones are also presented in the form of a pop up whenever a user moves the computer's mouse pointer over an encircled area or cyclone. The experimental GTWO was tested and evaluated during the 2007 hurricane season. This assessment included the routine issuance of an experimental version of the product, testing possible enhancements to the product, and gathering user input. Results from the 2007 experimental GTWO assessment are presented along with future plans for the product.

Joint Poster Session 1, Tropical Cyclones and Probability/Statistics Posters
Monday, 21 January 2008, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM, Exhibit Hall B

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