5th GOES Users' Conference


An enhanced IDEA product with GOES AOD

Hai Zhang, JCET/Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore, MD; and R. M. Hoff, S. Kondragunta, I. Laszlo, and A. Wimmers

The University of Maryland Baltimore County, University of Wisconsin and NESDIS are cooperating in migrating the Infusing satellite Data into Environmental Applications (IDEA) product from UW to NESDIS for a preoperational test. IDEA was created through a NASA/EPA/NOAA cooperative effort and involves the near-real time dissemination of aerosol optical depth data from MODIS to the public using the UW direct broadcast capture of MODIS data. The product will be run at NESDIS and will be a NOAA supported product relevant to air quality decisionmakers.

In addition to the migration, the IDEA product will be enhanced to include GOES-R aerosol product since the ABI on GOES-R will have nearly the same capabilities as MODIS to generate multi-wavelength retrievals of AOD with high temporal and spatial resolutions. The addition of the GOES AOD product provides AOD updates on a 30-minute basis rather than the current twice-daily updates provided by MODIS. To prepare for utilizing these data in a near-real time environment, UMBC has started to install the GOES Aerosol and Smoke Product (GASP) into IDEA. This includes the development of additional trajectory and ground-based air quality data links to the IDEA product so that we have a plug-and-play application suite for the new GOES-R data stream once GOES-R in orbit.

Poster Session 1, Fifth GOES Users' Confererence Poster Session
Wednesday, 23 January 2008, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM, Exhibit Hall B

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