Fourth Symposium on Future National Operational Environmental Satellites


CrIS SDR Error Analysis

Nikita S. Pougatchev, Space Dynamics Laboratory, Logan, UT; and G. E. Bingham, M. P. Esplin, G. W. Cantwell, V. V. Zavyalov, and D. A. Fegruson

Cross-tracking Infrared Sounder is an important instrument for atmospheric sounding on the NPP and NPOESS satellites. The instrument Sensor Data Records (SDR) are spectrally and radiometrically calibrated geolocated radiances in three spectral bands: Long Wave (LW) 650 – 1100 cm-1, Mid Wave (MW) 1200 – 1750 cm-1, and Short Wave (SW) 2150 – 2250 cm-1. The radiances are the data source for the retrieval of the atmospheric parameters such as atmospheric temperature and moisture vertical profiles (ATVP and AMVP), therefore, the errors in the SDR determines the quality of the atmospheric sounding - Environmental Data Records (EDR).

We present the results of CrIS SDR error analysis performed with the End-to-End Error Model (E2EEM) developed at the Space Dynamics Lab. The model allows unified estimation of statistical characteristics of the error caused by various factors in the observation system as well as provides the tool for analysis of the error propagation between SDR and EDR. The presented results are based on the laboratory tests of the CrIS EDU 3 and FM 1 modules as well as instrument simulations and expected error propagation from various validation sources such as radiosondes, near simultaneous overpasses with already calibrated sensors, and aircraft underflights.

Poster Session 1, 4th NPOESS Symposium Poster Session
Tuesday, 22 January 2008, 9:45 AM-11:00 AM, Exhibit Hall B

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