Fourth Symposium on Future National Operational Environmental Satellites

Poster Session 1

 4th NPOESS Symposium Poster Session
 P1.1A lunar spectral flux database for quantitative VIIRS Day/Night Band environmental applications  extended abstract
Steven D. Miller, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and R. Turner
 P1.2Validation of daily global land surface albedo and anisotropy products from VIIRS  
Miguel O. Román III, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Boston University, Boston, MA; and C. B. Schaaf, J. Liu, Y. Shuai, A. H. Strahler, C. K. Gatebe, and O. Coddington
 P1.3Restoration of NPOESS climate capabilities - climate data records  extended abstract
Jeff L. Privette, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC; and B. R. Barkstrom, J. J. Bates, M. Bonadonna, K. Boyd, D. Cecil, B. Cramer, G. K. Davis, T. R. Karl, J. A. Kaye, C. Koblinsky, M. Tanner, and D. F. Young
 P1.4Restoration of NPOESS climate capabilities - a mission roadmap  
Jeff L. Privette, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC; and D. F. Young, M. Tanner, C. Koblinsky, J. A. Kaye, T. R. Karl, G. K. Davis, B. Cramer, D. Cecil, K. Boyd, M. Bonadonna, J. J. Bates, and B. R. Barkstrom
 P1.5NESDIS integrated product validation in preparation for NPOESS  
Tony Reale, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, Suitland, MD; and B. Sun and M. Pettey
 P1.6Towards the Direct Assimilation of Upper Atmospheric Sounding Radiance Data from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager Sounder (SSMIS)  
Nancy L. Baker, NRL, Monterey, CA; and S. D. Swadley and W. F. Campbell
 P1.8NOAA/NESDIS process to transition satellite products from research to operations  
Eileen Maria Maturi, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and S. Goodman, H. Drahos, T. Schott, D. Benner, A. Irving, and T. Smith
 P1.9CrIS SDR Error Analysis  
Nikita S. Pougatchev, Space Dynamics Laboratory, Logan, UT; and G. E. Bingham, M. P. Esplin, G. W. Cantwell, V. V. Zavyalov, and D. A. Fegruson
 P1.11Dissemination and Use of NPOESS Data in AWIPS II  
Gary J. Jedlovec, NASA/MSFC, Huntsville, AL; and J. E. Burks
P1.10Global and seasonal comparisons of VIIRS and MODIS cloud masks to CALIPSO cloud indications  
Richard Frey, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and K. Hutchison, R. E. Holz, S. Dutcher, L. E. Gumley, and A. Heidinger
 P1.12NPOESS Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) retrieval characteristics defined using proxy Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) measurements  
Daniel K. Zhou, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA; and X. Liu, A. M. Larar, W. L. Smith, P. Schluessel, L. L. Strow, S. A. Mango, and K. St.Germain
 P1.13Benchmark measurements for achieving societal objectives  
John A. Dykema, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA; and R. Holz, D. Tobin, D. B. Kirk-Davidoff, S. S. Leroy, R. O. Knuteson, F. A. Best, H. E. Revercomb, and J. G. Anderson
 P1.14Supporting the Environmental Satellite Systems Journey from Research to Operations through Training and Education  extended abstract
Patrick N. Dills, UCAR/COMET, Boulder, CO; and M. Weingroff and W. Schreiber-Abshire
 P1.15NPOESS System Architecture  
Frank Hinnant, NPOESS/IPO, Silver Spring, MD
 P1.16An NPOESS Feasibility Study to Retrieve Deep Soil Moisture Using WindSat Data and a Temporal Variational Data Assimilation Method  
Andrew Jones, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and T. Lakhankar, C. L. Combs, S. Longmore, G. Mason, G. McWilliams, M. Mungiole, M. Sengupta, and T. H. Vonder Haar
 P1.17The Joint Airborne IASI Validation Experiment (JAIVEx) and Select Contributions from NAST-I  
Allen M. Larar, NASA Langley Researc Center, Hampton, VA; and W. L. Smith, H. E. Revercomb, D. K. Zhou, X. Liu, D. Tobin, J. P. Taylor, P. Schlüssel, and S. A. Mango
 P1.18MIS Soil Moisture Algorithm Risk Reduction Study Using WindSat Data  
Li Li, NRL, Washington, DC; and P. Gaiser and G. McWilliams
 P1.19NPOESS Space Weather Data Products and Archive Within NOAA  
William F. Denig, NOAA/NESDIS, Boulder, CO; and D. C. Wilkinson and R. Viereck
 P1.20Tropical Cyclone Applications of NPOESS Soundings  
Mark DeMaria, NOAA/NESDIS, Ft. Collins, CO; and R. T. DeMaria, D. W. Hillger, and R. Mazur
 P1.21Atmospheric Temperature and Moisture Profile Retrievals Using more than Eight Thousand Channels  
Xu Liu, NASA/LaRC, Hampton, VA; and D. K. Zhou, A. M. Larar, W. L. Smith, P. Schlüssel, J. P. Taylor, H. Revercomb, and S. A. Mango
 P1.22Real-time satellite-derived ocean surface specific humidity  
Neil Van de Voorde, Planning Systems, Inc., Stennis Space Center, MS; and C. Rowley
 P1.23High Vertically Resolved Atmospheric State Revealed with IASI Single FOV Retrievals under all Weather Conditions  
Daniel K. Zhou, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA; and X. Liu, A. M. Larar, W. L. Smith, J. P. Taylor, P. Schlüssel, L. L. Strow, and S. A. Mango
 P1.24NPOESS Command, Control, and Communications Segment (C3S)  
Paul B. Koster, Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems, Aurora, CO
 P1.25COMET Online Training: Monitoring the Wildland Fire Lifecycle  
Thomas F. Lee, NRL, Monterey, CA; and A. P. Kuciauskas, M. Weingroff, P. N. Dills, and D. M. Moore
 P1.26NPOESS Environmental Data Record (EDR) Production  
Kerry D. Grant, Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems, Aurora, CO; and R. Hughes
 P1.27NPOESS/VIIRS Cloud Top Temperature - Algorithm Performance Case Study  
Eric Wong, Northrup Grumman Space Technology, Redondo Beach., CA; and S. C. Ou
 P1.28NPOESS Field Terminal Segment  
Joseph Bradley, Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems, Omaha, NE
 P1.29The NOAA/NESDIS NPOESS/MetOp Derived Cloud Products System  
Gilberto A. Vicente, NOAA, Camp Springs, MD; and A. K. Heidinger
 P1.30WindSat Space Borne Polarimetric Microwave Radiometer: Sensor Capability and NPOESS Risk Reduction  
Peter W. Gaiser, NRL, Washington, DC; and M. H. Bettenhausen, L. Li, I. S. Adams, and W. Johnston
 P1.31Detection of Mineral Dust Using MODIS Thermal Infrared Window Data: Application to the NPOESS Program  
Richard A. Hansell Jr., Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA; and S. C. Ou, K. N. Liou, J. K. Roskovensky, S. Tsay, C. Hsu, and Q. Ji
 P1.32NPOESS Interface Data Processing Segment  
Kerry D. Grant, Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems, Aurora, CO
 P1.33NPOESS Interface Data Processing Segment Hardware  
William J. Sullivan, Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems, Aurora, CO
 P1.34International Polar Orbiter Processing Package (IPOPP)  
John Overton, NPOESS IPO, Silver Spring, MD; and B. Thomas, P. Coronado, K. Brentzel, and L. E. Gumley
 P1.35Estimation of cloud height and emissivity from METOP/AVHRR and VIIRS  
Andrew K. Heidinger, NOAA/NESDIS, Madison, WI; and M. J. Pavolonis and C. G. Calvert
 P1.36OMPS - The Next Generation Sensor Suite for Global Ozone Monitoring  
Scott C. Asbury, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., Boulder, CO; and S. Cass, L. Farwell, K. Eastman, Q. Remund, and J. Rodriguez
 P1.37Removing Stray Light Contamination from the OMPS Limb Profiler  
John W. Bergman, Computational Physics, Inc., Boulder, CO; and D. F. Rault, J. Hornstein, and J. Lumpe
 P1.38Building a System Comprehensive Calibration and Validation Community for the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System  
Heather Kilcoyne, NPOESS IPO, Silver Spring, MD
 P1.39A Blended Total Water Vapor Product for the Analysis and Forecast of Weather Hazards  
Sheldon J. Kusselson, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and S. Q. Kidder and J. M. Forsythe
 P1.40Government Resource for Algorithm Verification, Independent Testing, and Evaluation (GRAVITE): Establishing the Technical Validity and Operational Viability of the NPP and NPOESS Data Products  
Bonnie Reed, NPOESS IPO, Silver Spring, MD
P1.43IDPS Software and Sustainment Philosophy  
John Van de Wouw, Northrop Grumman Space Technology (NGST), Redondo Beach, CA
 P1.41NOAA's NPOESS Data Exploitation (NDE) Products: Transitioning from Research to Operations  
Tom Schott, NOAA/NESDIS, Suitland, MD; and S. L. Bunin and J. G. Yoe
 P1.42NPP Science Data Segment  
Robert J. Schweiss, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD
 P1.44Pre-Flight CrIS SDR Algorithm Performance Assessment  
Vladimir Zavyalov, Space Dynamics Laboratory, Logan, UT; and G. Bingham, H. Johnson, N. S. Pougatchev, M. P. Esplin, G. W. Cantwell, D. Ferguson, and L. Chidester
 P1.45NPOESS Data Formats  
Richard Ullman, NPOESS IPO, Silver Spring, MD
 P1.46Retrievals of Mixed-Phase Cloud Properties During NPOESS  
S. C. Ou, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA; and X. Wang, D. Hagan, A. W. Dybdahl, M. Mussetto, L. D. Carey, K. N. Liou, J. Niu, J. A. Kankiewicz, S. Kidder, and T. H. Vonder Haar
 P1.47NPOESS' Key to Low Data Latency: SafetyNetTM   
Michael L. Jamilkowski, Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems, Silver Spring, MD; and G. Cook, D. G. Lubar, and P. Azarewicz
 P1.48Algorithm for Flagging High-Scatter Pixels on VIIRS  
Stephen Mills, Northrop Grumman Space Technology, Redondo Beach, CA; and J. Lamoureux Christiansen and K. Jordan
 P1.49Remote Sensing of Cirrus Vertical Size Profile Using MODIS Data  
Xingjuan Wang, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; and K. N. Liou, S. C. Ou, G. Mace, and M. Deng
 P1.50Optimization of NPOESS CrIMSS EDR Algorithm  
Richard J. Lynch, AER, Inc., Cambridge, MA; and Y. He, G. Uymin, D. B. Hogan, H. E. Snell, D. Hagan, and M. Mussetto
 P1.51CrIS preflight testing  
M. P. Esplin, Space Dynamics Laboratory, Logan, UT; and G. E. Bingham
 P1.52NPOESS Microwave Imager/Sounder (MIS) Sensor Definition and Trade Studies  
David Kunkee, The Aerospace Corporation, Los Angeles, CA; and C. Brann
 P1.53CLASS Vision  
Robert Rank, NOAA/NESDIS, Suitland, MD; and F. Vizbulis
 P1.54CrIMSS Pre-launch Calibration Activities and On-Orbit Validation Plans  
Denise Hagan, Northrop Grumman Space Technology, Redondo Beach, CA; and D. Tremblay, J. Predina, G. Kratz, P. Lee, and C. Wang
 P1.55Retrieval of Precipitation Using NPOESS Microwave Sensors  
Frederick W. Chen, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA; and L. J. Bickmeier, W. J. Blackwell, L. G. Jairam, and R. V. Leslie
 P1.56Aerosol Measurements from the VIIRS Instrument During NPOESS  
John M. Jackson, Northrop Grumman Space Technology, Redondo Beach, CA; and E. Vermote and E. Shettle
 P1.57Sea Surface Temperature Measurements from the VIIRS Instrument During NPOESS  
John M. Jackson, Northrop Grumman Space Technology, Redondo Beach, CA; and R. Evans, D. May, and P. J. Minnett
 P1.58Predicted Performance of the VIIRS Cloud Mask Algorithm  
Keith Hutchison, Center for Space Research, Austin, TX; and B. Iisager, J. M. Jackson, J. K. Roskovensky, T. J. Kopp, A. K. Heidinger, and R. A. Frey
 P1.59Preparation for NPOESS/NPP Early On Orbit Cross Comparison with Other Satellite Instruments  
Zi-Ping Sun, Northrop Grumman Space Technology, Redondo Beach, CA; and C. Cao
 P1.60The NPOESS Spacecraft Earth Observing Platform  extended abstract
MaryAnn Chory, Northrop Grumman Space Technology, Redondo Beach, CA; and D. Adkins, M. Bahrain, and M. Wehner
 P1.61NOAA's National Data Centers, CLASS, and Data Producers – Roles and Responsibilities for Data Archive and Access  
Robert Rank, NOAA/NESDIS, Suitland, MD; and F. Vizbulis
 P1.62Impact of the VIIRS 8.5 Micron Channel on Cloud Products  
Andrew Heidinger, NOAA, Madison, WI
 P1.63Accessing and Using NPOESS Data Products  
Suzanna Diener, Raytheon Company, Aurora, CO
 P1.64Status and Activities of the NPOESS Visible Infrared Imager Suite (VIIRS), in Preparation for Delivery to the NPP Spacecraft  
Hal Bloom, NPOESS IPO, Silver Spring, MD; and G. Ross and M. Ayers
 P1.65Status and Activities of the NPOESS Advanced Technology Sounder (ATMS), in Preparation for Delivery to the NPOESS Spacecraft  
Hal Bloom, NPOESS IPO, Silver Spring, MD; and C. Brann
 P1.66Status and Activities of the NPOESS CERES in Preparation for Delivery to the NPP Spacecraft  
Hal Bloom, NPOESS IPO, Silver Spring, MD; and R. Hamilton
 P1.67Status and Activities of the NPOESS Cross-Track Infrared Sounder, in Preparation for Delivery to the NPP Spacecraft  
Hal Bloom, NPOESS IPO, Silver Spring, MD; and R. Slonaker
 P1.68The NPOESS Ozone Mapping and Profiling Suite (OMPS) Calibration & Validation Plans  
James Done, Northrop Grumman Space Technology, Redondo Beach, CA; and T. Samec, P. Lee, and R. Buss
 P1.69Ocean Color Remote Sensing: Validation Approaches for the Coming Decades  
Patty Pratt, Northrop Grumman Space Technology, Redondo Beach, CA

Tuesday, 22 January 2008: 9:45 AM-11:00 AM, Exhibit Hall B

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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