Fourth Symposium on Future National Operational Environmental Satellites


International Polar Orbiter Processing Package (IPOPP)

John Overton, NPOESS IPO, Silver Spring, MD; and B. Thomas, P. Coronado, K. Brentzel, and L. E. Gumley

The International Polar Orbiter Processing Package is a software package that is critical to the Direct Broadcast (DB) user community throughout its transition from EOS to NPOESS. IPOPP is the primary processing package that will enable the DB community to process, visualize, and evaluate NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) Sensor and Environmental Data Records - which is a necessity for the DB community during the transition from the Earth Observing System Era to the NPOESS Era.

Why is IPOPP Needed?

• Meets high expectations by DB community for mission continuity from EOS to NPOESS

• Integrates Multi-disciplined science processing packages such as IMAPP (Atmosphere), SeaDAS (Ocean) and MODIS Land Rapid Response (Land)

• Provides DB community with user friendly processing packages for global as well as regional optimized value added applications

• Enables global feedback loop for NPP CAL/VAL campaigns

• Enable DB users to contribute their regional validated processing approaches/products to assist and improve global CAL/VAL efforts

• Initiates role of research to operations provider for Direct Readout Mission

• Facilitates the adoption/adaptation of DB regional optimized research/unique processing approaches to enhance functionality and capability

• Enables industry to productize government provided algorithms into commercial product lines which offer choice to all users

Who is the DB Community?

• Direct Broadcast Community includes US Military, numerous Civil Government Agencies, International Meteorological Agencies, Universities, and Commercial Vendors

IPOPP Architecture

Poster Session 1, 4th NPOESS Symposium Poster Session
Tuesday, 22 January 2008, 9:45 AM-11:00 AM, Exhibit Hall B

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