Sunday, 20 January 2008 |
| 7:30 AM-9:30 AM, Sunday 2008 Short Course Registration |
| 9:00 AM-6:00 PM, Sunday 2008 Conference Registration |
| 12:00 PM-4:00 PM, Sunday 2008, Exhibit Hall B 7th Annual WeatherFest |
Monday, 21 January 2008 |
| 7:30 AM-5:30 PM, Monday 2008 Registration continues through Thursday, 24 January |
| 11:45 AM-1:30 PM, Monday 2008 Opening Plenary Session Featuring Mayor Nagin of New Orleans (Cash & Carry Lunch) |
Tuesday, 22 January 2008 |
| 9:45 AM-11:00 AM, Tuesday 2008, Exhibit Hall B Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break (Tue a.m.) |
| 11:00 AM-6:00 PM, Tuesday 2008, Exhibit Hall A Exhibits Open (Tuesday) |
| 11:00 AM-12:00 PM, Tuesday 2008, 211 Session 1 Weather and climate in early US history |
Speakers: John W. Nielsen-Gammon, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX; Paul Ruscher, The Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
Chair: Kristine C. Harper, New Mexico Tech/University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
| 12:00 PM-1:30 PM, Tuesday 2008, La Louisiane Presidental Forum: Hurricane Katrina: Looking Back to Look Ahead (Cash & Carry) (Presidental Forum will run parallel to the other sessions throughout the afternoon) |
| 1:30 PM-3:00 PM, Tuesday 2008, 211 Session 2 Professional meteorology: airlines, the public, and minority science education |
Speakers: Roger D. Turner, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Doria B. Grimes, NOAA Central Library, Silver Spring, MD; Loren D. White, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS
Chair: Diane Rabson, NCAR, Boulder, CO
| 1:30 PM | 2.1 | Finding the Friendly Skies: Meteorology within US Airlines, 1919-1941  Roger D. Turner, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA |
| 2:00 PM | 2.2 | Why the weather?  Doria B. Grimes, NOAA Central Library, Silver Spring, MD |
| 2:30 PM | 2.3 | The Meteorology Program at Jackson State University: Three decades of leadership in developing minority scientists  Loren D. White, Jackson State Univ., Jackson, MS; and R. S. Reddy, H. Liu, and Q. L. Williams |
| 3:00 PM-3:30 PM, Tuesday 2008, Exhibit Hall A Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall (tues p.m.) |
| 3:30 PM-5:00 PM, Tuesday 2008, 211 Session 3 Severe weather and historical impacts: tornadoes and hurricanes |
Speakers: Robert Henson, UCAR, Boulder, CO; Pat J. Fitzpatrick, Mississippi State Univ., Stennis Space Center, MS; Timothy A. Coleman, Univ. of Alabama, Huntsville, AL
Chair: Doria B. Grimes, NOAA Central Library, Silver Spring, MD
Wednesday, 23 January 2008 |
| 7:00 PM-9:00 PM, Wednesday 2008 AMS Annual Awards Banquet at the Hilton Riverside Hotel |