Session 8A |
| General Climate Studies: Variability (ENSO, MJO, NAO, etc.) |
| Chair: Gerald L. Potter, LLNL, Livermore, CA
| 3:30 PM | 8A.1 | A Two-Oscillator View of ENSO and Its Decadal Modulation  Jin-Yi Yu, University of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA; and H. Y. Kao and F. Sun |
| 3:45 PM | 8A.2 | Recent intensification of ENSO-MJO interaction  Jong-Seong Kug, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI; and F. F. Jin, A. Timmermann, and I. S. Kang |
| 4:00 PM | 8A.3 | Thermodynamic balance and changes to the regional circulation during the monsoon onset  Roop K. Saini, University of Massachusetts - Lowell, Lowell, MA; and M. Barlow |
| 4:15 PM | 8A.4 | Intraseasonal teleconnection between the summer Eurasian wavetrain and the Indian monsoon  Qinghua Ding, Department of Meteorology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI; and B. Wang |
| 4:30 PM | 8A.5 | Examination of the relationship between snow cover anomalies over the Tibetan Plateau and East Asian summer monsoon onsets using MODIS satellite snow mapping and NCEP/DOE reanalysis data Li Xu, George Mason University, Calverton, MD; and Z. Pu |
| 4:45 PM | 8A.6 | The Southwestern Monsoon in California as indicated by GPS precipitable water  James D. Means, SIO/Univ. Of California, La Jolla, CA; and D. R. Cayan |
| 5:00 PM | 8A.7 | Does upper and middle tropospheric relative humidity (RH) remain constant as global temperatures rise?  William M. Gray, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO |
| 5:15 PM | 8A.8 | Nonlinear Time Series Modelling of Lahore's Precipitation Muhammad Jawed Iqbal, Universityy, Karachi 75270, Pakistan; and M. S. Khan |