12th Conference on IOAS-AOLS

Session 7

 Chair: S. Mark Leidner, AER, Norman, OK
1:30 PM7.1Towards A Unified Variational/Ensemble Data Assimilation System for WRF  
Dale M. Barker, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and Z. Liu, H. Shao, M. Demirtas, H. Huang, and S. Rugg
1:45 PM7.2Ensemble-based Kalman Filters in Strongly Nonlinear Dynamics  
Zhaoxia Pu, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; and J. P. Hacker
2:00 PM7.3The back and forth nudging algorithm for data assimilation   wrf recording
Jacques Blum, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France; and D. Auroux
2:15 PM7.4Observing system and strategy for Lagrangian data assimilation (LaDA) in the ocean  
Kayo Ide, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; and C. K. R. T. Jones and G. Vernieres
2:30 PM7.5Data assimilation in chaotic systems, using Floquet vectors   wrf recording
Adel Ahanin, MIT, Cambridge, MA; and D. McLaughlin and D. Entekhabi
2:45 PM7.6Simultaneous estimation of inflation factor and observation errors within the EnKF  extended abstract wrf recording
Hong Li, Shanghai Typhoon Institute, Shanghai, China, Shanghai, China; and E. Kalnay and T. Miyoshi

Tuesday, 22 January 2008: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM, 204

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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