88th Annual Meeting (20-24 January 2008)

Tuesday, 22 January 2008: 11:00 AM
StickNet � A new portable, rapidly-deployable, surface observation system
206 (Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Christopher C. Weiss, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX; and J. L. Schroeder
Poster PDF (287.5 kB)
Through the efforts of faculty and students in the Texas Tech University Atmospheric Science Group and Wind Science and Engineering Research Center, an array of twenty-three portable surface-observation platforms named �StickNet� has been developed. Each instrument platform contains a suite of sensors capable of measuring temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind speed/direction, rainfall and hailfall. GPS and compass capabilities are also included. Measurements are taken with sampling rates up to 10 Hz and the acquired data are stored locally for the user to recall at a later time.

The StickNet platforms were developed to support two modes of deployment. The thunderstorm deployment mode allows for platform assembly in about one minute, and a power supply supporting platform operation for approximately 18 hours. The hurricane deployment mode increases the assembly time to approximately three minutes, but allows for additional anchoring. An expanded power supply also supports operation for approximately seven days in hurricane applications. Two covered trailers have been modified to efficiently transport these platforms into the field. Each trailer allows one to recharge the platform batteries and download collected datasets while the systems are in transit. Appropriate interface and QA/QC software has been developed to enable these processes to occur relatively quickly following platform pickup.

The results of pilot StickNet field campaigns will be presented. Data were collected simultaneously by over twenty StickNet platforms in the vicinity of various supercell thunderstorm events during the spring of 2007. Additionally, all twenty-three units will be used to obtain measurements from landfalling hurricanes during the 2007 Atlantic hurricane season. The performance of these platforms and the logistics of field deployments will be discussed, as well as the anticipated contribution of StickNet to upcoming field projects such as VORTEX-II.

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