88th Annual Meeting (20-24 January 2008)

Joint Panel Disscussion 2: Enhancing the Connectivity between Research and Applications for the Benefit of Society Part II

Wednesday, 23 January 2008: 8:30 AM-9:45 AM
R08-R09 (Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Moderators:  David M. Schultz, Univ. of Helsinki/Finnish Meteorological Institute
Panelists:  Henry Reges, CoCoRaHS/Colorado State Univ.; Kenneth Schere, NOAA/ERL/ARL; S. Pal S. Arya, Department of marine, earth and atmospheric sciences, North Carolina State University; Heidi Cullen, The Weather Channel/Georgia Institute of Technology; Anthony Brazel, Arizona State Univ. and John T. Snow, University of Oklahoma
  8:30 AM
David M. Schultz

  8:30 AM
  8:30 AM
Kenneth Schere

  8:30 AM
S. Pal S. Arya

  8:30 AM
  8:30 AM
Anthony Brazel

  8:30 AM
  8:30 AM
Panel Discussion