Tuesday, 13 January 2009: 3:30 PM
Decadal variability in surface solar irradiance observed in the NASA/GEWEX Surface Radiation Budget data set
Room 129A (Phoenix Convention Center)
The NASA/GEWEX Surface Radiation Budget data set is a collection of various surface radiative parameters computed from ISCCP, GEOS-4, and TOMS data describing global atmospheric conditions. This data set now extends for some 22 years, allowing the analysis of decadal trends in surface fluxes. Here we present analysis of downwelling solar flux variabilitiy at global, regional, and local scales, with comparisons to surface measurements. On a global scale, we observe a pattern of decreasing fluxes in the 1980s, changing to increasing fluxes in the 1990s, and returning to a decrease at the end of the decade. This pattern can be apportioned to the land and oceans. We also show that trends can vary locally and regionally. Finally, the data is shown to agree well with surface measurements, providing confidence in the results.
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