Pan-arctic trends and variations in sea ice concentration, NDVI, and surface temperature were evaluated in contiguous 50-km strips of land and ocean. The 50km land surface zone represents 60% of the tundra and while the 50-km ocean region is the key oceanic domain that impacts the nearby land surface. At the pan-arctic scale, Summer Warmth Index (SWI, number of degree days over freezing during summer) and NDVI show statistically significant increases while sea ice show significant decreases. On the continental scale, NDVI displays larger positive trends in North American than in Eurasia, while sea ice decreases have been largest in the Laptev and E. Siberian Seas. The Arctic was divided into regions based on the Treshnikov divisions and there is substantial heterogeneity in trends and variability across the regions. In general SWI and integrated NDVI are significantly positively correlated, sea ice and SWI are moderately negatively correlated and sea ice is not correlated with integrated NDVI. There is notable co-variability between the ocean (through sea ice concentration) and nearby land (through SWI) but the exact causality is not currently understood. The largest trends for SWI and NDVI are in the Chukchi/Beaufort region, where the ocean has warmed the most. We have found a strong relationship between SWI and sea ice area during the preceding spring. Since both are strongly correlated with the large-scale circulation it cannot be concluded that the ice directly forces the warmer summers.
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Treshnikov, A. F., Atlas of the Arctic, Moscow, 204 pp., 1985. (in Russian).
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