retrieval algorithms based on blue-green reflectance ratios suffer severely in
the coastal waters due to inappropriate atmospheric corrections and spectral
interferences from organic and inorganic components. Furthermore, in coastal
waters, standard near-infrared (NIR) atmospheric correction algorithms also
often fail because of higher turbidities which result in increased elastic
reflectance and significant radiance contributions in NIR bands. Recently, an
atmospheric correction algorithm using the short-wave infrared (SWIR) bands has
also been applied to turbid coastal waters. In this study we examine the
performance of our recently proposed bloom detection technique, based on
differences in selected red band spectra (RBD) and our toxic dinoflagellate Karenia
brevis (K. brevis) bloom classification technique, with a designated
K. brevis bloom index (KBBI) for use with Moderate Resolution Imaging
Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data, corrected for the atmosphere, using NIR and
SWIR atmospheric correction algorithms. Our analysis shows that both
atmospheric correction algorithms are unsatisfactory, giving negative
normalized water-leaving signals at the 412nm band for the bloomed area, which
is an indication of failure of atmospheric correction, meaning that the signal
is over corrected for the atmosphere. Although SWIR seems to give smaller
negative values than the NIR in the bloomed region, both of the atmospheric
correction failed in K. brevis bloomed areas. These negative values
are primarily due to the fact that waters containing large accumulations of K.
brevis species have a relatively strong water-leaving radiance in the
near-infrared bands, while at the same time are absorbing strongly in the
blue-green region, which leads to possible errors in the atmospheric correction
and underestimation of
in the blue and green
bands of MODIS. Reflectance band ratio algorithms applied to this
inappropriately atmospherically corrected signal gives different and inaccurate
results with either atmospheric correction algorithm. Results for the RBD
bloom detection technique, which we have previously defined as
are found
to be similar with either atmospheric correction algorithm. This is due to the
fact that for this technique; we are using the difference in magnitude of the
reflectance signal at two adjacent red bands, and since these two bands are
relatively close spectrally 667nm and 678nm, the magnitude of the optical impact
of the atmosphere will be very nearly the same on either band, and thus will
have no impact on the difference of the two magnitudes. This is in marked
contrast to the impact of the atmosphere on the ratio of signal magnitudes at
each band (which would be significantly altered and dependent on the absolute
magnitude of the atmospheric correction being correct, which would be near
impossible to attain, for a ratio retrieval technique to retain its validity in
retrievals). Our simulations for K. brevis, which is known to be
characterized by weak backscatter, both because its own backscatter is low
because of its low index of refraction, and because of the typically low cohort
submicron particulate concentrations typically associated with it, show that
the correlation of K. brevis chlorophyll concentration with RBD values
departs from linearity as Chl concentrations increase. It may be possible to
evolve empirically based relationships between RBD and K. brevis Chl
concentrations. The near insensitivity of the RBD technique to atmospheric
correction and less sensitivity to CDOM may enable us to retrieve chlorophyll
more accurately than the blue-green reflectance ratio algorithms for low
backscattering blooms such as K. brevis that blooms regularly in Gulf of Mexico. When we apply atmospheric correction algorithms to the KBBI technique,
which uses the normalized difference of the two bands, and for which we have
previously defined KBBI by
and used it for
distinguishing K. brevis bloomed waters from non-K. brevis
bloomed waters, both atmospheric correction algorithms give slightly different
KBBI values. However, it was still possible using either atmospheric correction
to identify K. brevis bloomed areas. While in general, the KBBI technique
could identify potential K. bervis bloomed area using data corrected
with either atmospheric correction, the SWIR algorithm does more poorly in the
offshore pixels and often gives noise values of KBBI (positive and negative false
bloom alarm in nearby pixels). This is because the MODIS SWIR bands are
designed for the land and have substantially lower signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
values. So the signals received in the SWIR bands in offshore pixels are low,
and often within the noise level. Thus the overall performance of NIR
atmospheric correction algorithm is found to be better for use with KBBI than
the SWIR atmospheric correction algorithm, with the exception that NIR gave
more false positive bloom alarms at the cloud edge pixels and spurious results
for the stripe regions at the ends scan lines.
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