16th Conference on Air Pollution Meteorology

Session 15

 Urban Dispersion II
 Chair: Pablo Huq, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
3:30 PM15.1Large-eddy simulation of street canyon flow and pollutant transport in neutral and unstable stratifications  extended abstract
Wai Chi Cheng, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, , Hong Kong; and C. H. Liu and D. Y. C. Leung
3:45 PM15.2Influence of urban morphology on street level concentration: Water channel and field study in three Southern Californian Cities  extended abstract
Hansheng Pan, Univ. of California, Riverside, CA; and C. Bartolome, M. Princevac, and R. Edwards
4:00 PM15.3Investigating air toxics exposure from vehicular emissions at a US border crossing using fast building-aware atmospheric dispersion modeling (QUIC) and continuous measurements  
Steven R. Hanna, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA; and J. D. Spengler, E. Y. Lee, M. Bank, and S. J. Melly
4:15 PM15.4Event reconstruction for line source releases  extended abstract
Dragan Zajic, LANL, Los Alamos, NM; and M. J. Brown and M. D. Williams
4:30 PM15.5First 2D and 3D Lidar Observation ofUrban Aerosol Plumes  
Laurent Sauvage, LEOSPHERE, Paris, France; and B. Guinot, S. Loaec, S. Lolli, and M. Fofana
4:45 PM15.6Probability Modeling of Concentration Fluctuation behind Building  
Mohamed F. Yassin, Department of Environmental Technology Management, Kuwait, Safat , Kuwait

Thursday, 21 January 2010: 3:30 PM-5:00 PM, B308

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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