8th Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications to Environmental Science

Session 2

 Applications of Artificial Intelligence Methods to Problems in Environmental Science: Part II
 Chair: Philippe E. Tissot, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX
8:30 AM2.1Optimization of neural net training using patterns selected by cluster analysis: a case-study of ozone prediction level  extended abstract
Armando Pelliccioni Sr., ISPESL, Monteporzio Catone, Italy; and R. Cotroneo and F. Pung�
8:45 AM2.2Visualize, analyze and mine satellite imagery using GLIDER software tool  
Rahul Ramachandran, Univ. of Alabama, Huntsville, AL; and S. Graves, T. Berendes, M. Maskey, C. Chidambaram, S. A. Christopher, P. Hogan, T. Gaskins, and M. Smith
9:00 AM2.3Design and validation of a neural network system for forecasting and monitoring fog events in the UAE using SEVIRI-MSG data  
Abdulla Bushahab, Emirates Institution for Advanced Science & Technology, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; and H. Ghedira, K. Mubarak, A. Dawood, and H. Al Ahmad
9:15 AM2.4Prediction of skew surge by a fuzzy decision tree  extended abstract
Samantha J. Royston, University of Bristol / Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom; and K. Horsburgh and J. Lawry
9:30 AM2.5Analyzing the effects of low level boundaries on tornadogenesis through spatiotemporal relational data mining  extended abstract
David John Gagne II, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and T. A. Supinie, A. McGovern, J. B. Basara, and R. A. Brown
9:45 AM2.6Capturing relationships between coherent structures and convectively-induced turbulence using Spatiotemporal Relational Random Forests  
Jennifer Abernethy, NCAR/RAL, Boulder, CO; and T. A. Supinie, A. McGovern, and J. K. Williams

Wednesday, 20 January 2010: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM, B204

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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