Mesoscale Convective Complexes over the China during 2005 to 2008

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(2) Nearly half of MCC is accompanied by above the precipitation of torrential rain; (3) China MCCs occurred in different background environments, which can be classified different types by lower troposphere, 500 hPa level, and 200 hPa level, its circulation characteristic is outstanding on 200 hPa level and it may be divided into 4 types, flow-splitting divergence at synoptic-scale jet exit, flow splitting with strong divergence ahead of short-wave trough, anticyclonic circulation developing in south side of macro-scale jet stream, anti-cyclonical circulation developing in front of deep trough, and these types are deferent from the type summarized by Maddox ; (4) Its water vapor is transferred in two ways: direct and indirect; (5) MCC genesis is attended by northern frontogenesis and narrowing processes of spatial high-energy tube; (6) Besides, the triggering systems consist of low-vortex shear in lower troposphere coupled with high-value center of¦Èse , and strong divergence at 200hPa level; (7) The tri-dimensional dynamic structure of MCC accompanied by precipitation of torrential rain is different from that of MCC accompanied by precipitation of heavy rain£»(8) In figure of CAPPI(1.5 km) reflectivity images of CINRAD-SA, there are two kinds of typical echoes, squall line activity and meso-bscale strong convection cloud cluster development.
In deep research's foundation, the main point to forecast rainstorm caused by MCC was proposed.
Key words: MCC China environmental conditions