Analysis of summer convection over central Alabama
Analysis of summer convection over central Alabama

Wednesday, 20 January 2010: 10:45 AM
B302 (GWCC)
Presentation PDF (879.6 kB)
In order to identify the trigger mechanisms that produce summertime convection, it is important for operational forecasters to perform effective mesoanalyses of the atmosphere. Forecasters at WFO Birmingham, Alabama, routinely analyze the weather over central Alabama, using data from conventional surface observations augmented with radar and satellite imagery. These analyses have helped to dispel the misconception of random, pop-up thunderstorm occurrence. Rather, the forecasters recognize the importance of identifying the variety of potential trigger or lifting mechanisms responsible for convective initiation. This presentation will describe some of the preferred locations for summertime convection and provide detailed statistics of autoconvective and boundary interactions to aid forecasters in the often difficult, short term forecast process.