How to represent the weather impact on aviation in a global air traffic model

This combination of NAVSIM with weather objects allows a detailed investigation of situations where conflicts exist between planned flight routes and adverse weather. The first objective is to simulate the observed circumnavigation in NAVSIM and compare real occurring routes with simulated ones. After a successful implementation, NAVSIM will offer a platform to assess existing rules and develop more efficient strategies to reduce the weather impact on aviation efficiency. First studies focused on special conflict situations are presented.
Cb-object data provision by A. Tafferner, C. Forster, T. Zinner, K. Kober, M. Hagen (DLR Oberpfaffenhofen) is greatly acknowledged.
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Tafferner A. and C. Forster, Improvement of thunderstorm hazard information for pilots through a ground based weather information and management system, Eighth USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (submitted), 2009
Zinner, T., H. Mannstein, A. Tafferner. Cb-TRAM: Tracking and monitoring severe convection from onset over rapid development to mature phase using multi-channel Meteosat-8 SEVIRI data, Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 101, 191-210, 2008